Friday, August 12, 2011

Can I sue my mother for back child support?

Ok, so here's the deal. When I was 5 my parents were married and my mom went out and had and affair. My parents divorced and my father got custody. My mother got visitations on certain days of the week. That didn't last long as she soon stopped coming to get me. She was out of my life for twenty-seven years until I tracked her down and tried to rebuild bridges with her. That lasted about a year until her husband (the man she had an affair with twenty-seven years ago) decided that he didn't want me around, so my mother tells me that she doesn't want me in her life anymore. I am 35 years old and live in NC. My question is.......can I sue her for all those of years that she was out of my life and didn't provide support for me? I need some serious answers. If you can't answer this without being a or saying something mean to me, then don't answer. But for those that are willing to answer on a grownup level then I would like your help, please.

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