Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first attempt at a tyburn... Care to comment?

This was rather deep. I did like it. As I said when you wrote it. Remember this? "Beat that sucka!!"

Cant find the episode of "Tales FromThe Crypt" "Loved to Death" Does anyone know of a website that i can watch

cant find the episode of "Tales FromThe Crypt" "Loved to Death" Does anyone know of a website that i can watch it online?

Is obesity really genetic?

Why do fat people keep on suggesting that obesity is genetics? Sure, some people might have a slower metabolism them others, but this doesn't mean that you can't break it even by excercising. Everytime I ask an obese person if they've tried to diet and excercise, they tell me they did, but gave up because it didnt work...DUH!!! ofcourse its not gonna work if you give up. JEEZ, you need to keep on striving at it, it takes months if not years to lose all that blubbering fat, so why do fat people insist that it's genetics? Why can't they give up their laziness and stop giving up and actually work out and diet until they meet their goal, and stop ordering pizza everyweek and eating out so much???

Hedgehog escape,frightened?

Why does my hedge hog all of a sudden keep trying to escape. He suceeded one night and i found him under a dresser by some cords i tryed to pick him up and he would not stop hissing. He is now very frightended. I have a 15x32 cage with a ferret sleeper wich he loves to burrow in and go under i have about 3 in of kiln dried pine bedding a litter box a watter bottle and food dish what is the problem and will he ever be nice again thanks for any help

Buying a puppy?

i bought a pit bull puppy and he is the sweetest thing in the world. the only cons i know of are that you have to clean up after it alot. you have to bathe it every other day or so or it will stink severely.


So all my friends think that FMJ on Cod Modern Warfare 2 increases damage. They are retarded because they look at the stats and judge a gun by that. Please tell otherwise

Melanoma Skin Cancer?

How is melanoma formed from the sun? I know it has to do something with melanin in your skin?? but how does this become cancerous?

Do you think football is rigged?

jake the snake thinks football is rigged. there is a video of youtube how he says sports is just a business. when you really think about it how do you know if nfl refs are being instructed behind closed doors how to officiate a game? kind of like a boss telling you how to do your job. you know that would be something they would never want the fans to know about. so it wouldnt be easy to expose something like that even if that was going on.

Can someone tell me the best boxing tips, from the best boxing coaches in the world?

For example boxing tips that freddie roach might only share with his top fighters or little secrets emanuel steward might do with his fighters. These coaches must be doing something right, Emanuel Steward has trained over 20 world champions.

Ok, so Im a girly girl, But for some reason I now hate..?

Me too! I use to love purses, I couldn't get enough of them, but ever since I turned 15 (I'm 16 now), I just give my mom my wallet and let her carry it around in her purse when we go out shopping.

How and why are the Democrats losing?

This has got to be the biggest no-brainer election in the history of the U.S., possibly even in the history of the world. Winning an election after the what some consider the absolute worst President and world leader ever, George Bush, should be something the Democrats can win blindfolded. Our economy is tanking, gas prices are through the roof, we are stuck in a quagmire war in Iraq, the country's reputation is tarnished around the world, and yet voters seem eager to vote for a George Bush clone. It is absolutely staggering to consider the very real possiblity that the Democrats are losing the easiest election ever. How is this possible???

I want to play volleyball, but my mom won't let me.?

I looove volleyball, and I've always wanted to play. My parents didn't want me out for AAU volleyball because you're at some kind of tournament every weekend, and you don't really get family time like you should. I understood that, but now I want to play school volleyball, and my mom won't let me. I don't know why. How can I ask her why I can't be in volleyball and to talk her into letting me play?

Who thinks that a 13 year girl can be stripped searched by a male vice principal?

OMG yeah I would let the world know. That is just awful. Can't even send our kids to school anymore to be safe, its just really sad.

What is the best way to honeymoon in Tahiti?

My bride-to-be and I are looking to Honeymoon in Tahiti. Obviously money is a concern however it is not our biggest concern. We know that we want to be in an over water bungalow and we would prefer not to skip around the Islands however if that can not be avoided that is okay. So let me know what your experiences are and help us make a decision.

Do you fear the Gulf oil spill?

What will be, will be. Why fear it? If you're a Christian and you choose to interpret it as such, why would you be afraid of the end times? If something on such a mive scale were to occur, why would you fear it? Overcome it, push through it, but fear it? Fear is illogical in most situations.

Do you just hate a celebrity for whatever reason?

Hate is a strong word, I just dislike some people cause I think they are self righteous idiots, like Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson.

WDYT of These Name ?

Nathan Andrew is soo nice, Jesse Danielle is okish, Christopher Chace is quite nice and Whitney Zoe is horrible (sorry.. :( )

2010 election prediction-Which Toss-Up states do you think the GOP will gain?

Nevada...West Virginia...Pennsylvania, Washington all the women will win their races except boxer will win her race.

What should be done with sinus congestion that has been around for 20months?

Once i got pregnant i ended up with the congestion and it hasn't lifted since then. I gave birth at may 15th 2009 and i have had the congestion ever since i got pregnant. I have been seeing an allergist for it all and doesn't seem like it is working.

Should i fire a pregnant employee?

I am her boss, i found out she was pregnant during the interview but did not divulge the information. She still has not told me that she is pregnant. I figure if i fire her now before she tells me i will be scott free on the whole lawsuit issue. I dont want to pay for maternity leave.


I think that being so tall with a with the face shape you have you could pull off getting a cropped hairstyle.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can I sue this for trying to defame me by telling everybody I'm a ?

I don't care about s. They can do whatever they want with their lives. But I will never tolerate anyone accusing me of being myself and tell everybody about it as if it's a fact. I never for once exhibit any sign of ism and I never looked down on s at all. My other lesbian friend, a real lesbian, told me that I'm the most straight woman she has ever encountered. Now this just-decided-to-become-a-lesbian, whom I suspect to have declared herself a lesbian just for the sake of attention, is telling everyone I know and she knows that I'm a lesbian and that I have a thing with my other lesbian friend (who's a real lesbian). What right does she have to declare me a lesbian? The only "proof" she has that I'm a lesbian is because she "sensed" it. Yeah right. What about this authentic lesbian friend of mine who said I'm the most straight person she had ever encountered? Doesn't what she's sensing about me matter just because she declared that I'm the most straight person she knows? I know for a fact that I'm straight and never for once did I ever ually fantasize about other women. I have tolerated this attention with her lust for attention, but to try to drag me into her sick world is beyond my tolerance level.

What to do when some of your money disappears from bank?

bank of america statement shows some account funds missing, but bank has no record of with drawl because you did not withdraw any funds! however, your account is still short the funds.......

Could my dog have injured his trachea?

Keep a close eye on him tonight. He may have damaged it and it may now be swelling. Can he eat? Drink? Swallow anything? Does his breathing seem faster than normal? Is it labored? Are his gums and tongue pink or pale? Do they have a bluish tinge? These are all signs of distress. If he is displaying more than one of those, call your vets emergency number and get him seen right away.



Do you think that the celtics have a chance of pickin up a big name player on the market?

they are loosing ray allen and paul peirce to free agency if they dont want to sign wit the C's again do think they can get a bosh mello or someone else maybe even LEBRON!!

Who knows a lot about Vijay?? DO you think he is going to be the next superstar?

Of course he is going to be the next super star do you have any doubts with that??? C'mmon man he is the best actor in tamil.


Your guinea pig is very ill and it is your responsibility to find an exotic vet and get it to them asap. Like so you may have to drive some distance, big deal, that is just what you singed on for when you chose to house 2 guinea pigs in a cage, it is responsible pet ownership.It never stops surprising me how some people feel they have some GOOD reason for not having provided medical care for their pets!! The bottom line is your guinea pig is suffering and you need to step up and be responsible here or live with the fact you allowed it to die. If you are unwilling to provide medical care for it please call your local SPCA and have them pick it up so they can treat it medically and then rehome it in a home it will be properly cared for.

Who do i inform if my physician disclose info to workman comp. without my consent.?

Her paper trail as far as work releases does not make sense. She have me to return to work without restrictions. Then have to fax another stating that i'm on restriction. She have given 5 different work excuses. Then none of them were sign by her and the two that were. the signatures did not match. So the workman comp specialist question her regarding this matter. So now she is mad at me. Now she is calling me a liar and not wanting to be my doctor.

I'm thinking about offing myself, is it a good idea?

No, it is not a good idea. Think of your family. What would that do to them. They would never get over that. Talk to a minister, or a therapist. Maybe you don't have friends because you don't reach out to them. Get involved with a group and volunteer, see how good that makes you feel. You then will meet good people and have good friends that you meet there. Volunteer at the local food pantry, or something like that. See how good it makes you feel. My Mom used to say, "no matter how bad you feel, look around and you will see someone worse off than you are". And it is true, God rest her soul. We had nothing when I was growing up, but she always had a hand to help a neighbor. Helping other will help pull you out of the funk you are in.

What would be a good idea for an advocacy project?

What are some good ideas for an advocacy project? For example, bringing awareness to global warming, or drunk driving or something.

Can a runner advance on a check swing appeal call?

In your situation, the runner on first gets to go to second because it is a walk. The first base ump shouldn't be making calls when the home plate ump already called ball 4. (The catcher's appeal means nothing. Only the home plate ump's appeal actually matters.) The home plate ump call takes precedence over any call, so the runner on first base would get to advance to second because of the walk.

Plz read &answer:/thankx?

ok well my boyfriend and me had like alot of times without protection..&my period is like 6 days late..&my stomaqe qets hard &it hurts when i qet mad..if i sleep on my stomaqe down it starts hurtinq&my are sore..what can it be..yuh thinqk i miqth beh preqneat??

Why did I NOT get the mascot dressphere in ffX-2?????

I got an episode complete everywhere and still no mascot dressphere why is this the guied said get an episode cpmplete everywhere but not bevelle or however you spell it anyway I didnt catch any chocobos for clasko if I do this and raise them all to level 5 find the amazing chocobo and king vermin! can I get the dressphere then???????????? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in need of help with my 78 el camino muscle car?

i have a 78 elcamino that needs a pinion and ring i would like to know how much would that cost me and is the labor cheaper then the parts or vice versa. or is it just much easier just to do it myself never done it before but can learn please help i just got it and i dont want to sell because of this issue thank u.

Which Last Name Is Better?

I think Wylde is very original, It'd make a cool last name for a guy. I think Lovett would be a pretty surname for a girl.

Question about rogers ppv?

I want to order (Strikeforce Gina Carano vs Cris Cyborg) on rogers ppv. This is my first time trying it, and i would like to know what time would be the best time to order it. Should i order it 20 minutes early or right when it starts? I just really want to see this fight and any of your info on ordering ppv on rogers digital cable would be great! Thanks

Anyone overcome an addiction without the 12 step?

I didn't, but I know someone who did. She was an alcoholic for like thirty years, but she's been sober for seventeen years.

Eating/drinking in Mc Donald restaurant?

There is not a single thing at that heart disease infested hole that is vegan. Stop going to McDonald's and supporting them.

Have I been put in the "Friend zone"?

He might not know what to do or is afraid. If you like him there's no reason you can't decide to ask him instead of waiting for him to ask you.

Am i going the right way to building muscle?

its volume try doing 4x6 with a lot of weight, enough weight so that you can ONLY do 6 reps to faluire, use a spotter they are almost required to build m muscles....also eat atleast 1.5 to 2 grams of protien per bodyweight do not neglect cardio however studies show that running 15 min on high intensity (usually byeond 6.0) will help you burn a LOT more than running 30 on low intensity

My laptops wei has dropped?

My medion laptop has always had a w.e.i. of 2.5,it has now dropped to 1.0. with graphics and gaming graphics both scoring 1.0, how can I get this vista basic back to its previous score?Thanks for any help.

The Completed First Chapter Of My Horror Novel - Can I get Your Opinion?

Why are so many people posting this? Whoever the real author is, this piece has gone downhill, I'm sorry to say. There are numerous grammatical and punctuation errors. An example: "..same day you was born." I hope you can find the error.

Washing machine help PLEASE!!?


I do not think Reb ??

would vote for Hillary Clinton because they think she would better for John McCain to win ,, but they should vote for Hillary Clinton just in case John McCain does do they want Obama ????

Pregnant foster cat, just gave birth and is rejecting the kittens how can we get her to accept them?

My friend is fostering a cat, she just gave birth today and my friend told me the kittens were all tangled in ball. The umbilical cords were all tangled around them and my friend had to cut them all apart. She gave birth when my friend wasn't home and she came back to this situation, the mother cat cleaned the sacks off and the kittens were breathing and she says they are lively though she had to untangle and cut them all apart from the cords/placenta. But the mother isn't nursing or bonding with them. How can we encourage her? My friend has contacted the vet and she is calling the rescue. But any advice would be helpful.. to get the mother interested in the kittens and to get the kittens latching on.

Itunes Ipod touch help?

Hi there I have a US itunes account with 30 bux on it and i now live in new zealand and i just bought an ipod can i use all the money on the us account and then switch my ipod over to my nz account?

Name for a German Shepherd Puppy?

I understand nothing too cute but whats with the dark names??? And Trent is one of those names that belongs to a person not an animal. If those are your options, I'd go with Ember.

Who do you think would be a good choice from Young and Restless for Dancing with the Stars?

They seem to like to choose characters from soaps for that show, so why not someone from Y and R? My choice would be either Sharon or Phyllis for a girl and Nick or Brad for the guy. How about You?

When is the movie Beastly coming out?

Does anybody know???? I just saw a little youtube sneak on it, and all I know is that Vanessa Hudgens is in it and that it's about something beastly. xD So does anyone know what the deal with it is?

Baylor vs. TCU pre med?

I have been accepted to both TCU and Baylor and have narrowed it down to pretty much those two. I am sure that I will be going the pre med route and I am have trouble deciding which school I want to attend. I love everything about Baylor except where it is located. Waco kind of sucks. I also love everything about TCU, including its location. I'm leaning toward TCU right now but I know that the academics at Baylor have a bit of a stronger reputation, especially out of state. Also, I live in Los Angeles and UCLA is an option as well. Where should I go?

Say What?? ( 10 points!!)?

A guy friend and I were drinking the other day. There is an attraction that has been there for quite some time. He told me I need to take down my wall. I told him that I keep it up to protect myself. That I recently got out a relationship. I told him that I felt like he could do so much better then me. He is very attractive and has a great personality and has TONS of friends. When I said this he got really mad at me. He said if he wanted to be other people he would. Said he has lots of friends but I am something special . he said I accepted him for him and have really been there for him these past few weeks. That I was a cool chick and don’t give myself enough credit. He said that I have no idea how much pain and hurt he has in heart and that I never bothered to ask. He said he tries to show me he cares by doing things for me(opening the car door, singing to me, cookin etc) He also told me he like to go after what he wants.

Foot sprain: anyone else ever have a sprained foot that still hurt four months later?

I was in a car accident,my foot was severly sprained and the injury caused a bunion,its been four months and it still hurts....i been wearing an aircast the last six weeks when i first went to the er they said my foot was it normal for a sprain to take?this long to?heal? Should I force myself to walk even though?it hurts? I can walk about a 100 feet or stand for about 3 hours but then i get pain,my foot is starting to feel stiff so i been gently maging and bending my?toes to regain just starting to worry i thought it would be healed by now....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Should I let my 13 year old daughter go to the Iggy?

I'm not quite sure if i should let my 13 year old daughter go to the iggy disco, i've heard what happens there and i'm not sure if she's old enough...her best friend has been to the disco but i'm still not sure

Will the Packers get the refs superbowl rings for handing Green Bay the game?

Was that p interference no call on the last 4th down the most obvious corrupt officiating of all time? Is the Packers "win" tainted?

Which is better sound quality Epiphone les paul studio or the Epiphone Les Paul 100 or how about the schecter?

schecter omen 6 epiphone les paul studio or epiphone les paul. i dont care about the neck or the playability. I'm looking for the best sound quality please respond getting a new guitar and im a begginer. THANKS PLEASE RESPOND!

Can I use a straightener on wet hair?

if you get Remmington Wet 2 straight with IONIC heat, then yes...just look for ionic heat, and make sure it has a high setting. it is an affordable straightener

What pill will help my acne?

My doctor prescirbed me the Levlen pill for my skin. but its doign nothing, i basically had to spell it out for him casue he is a no hoper. what should i be askign for from my next doctor, what pill has help your skin. Just to aks my new doctor if it will work for me. etc. Thanks

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address?

i'm confused about all the points that are being explained in here, can someone explain to me all of the points he is trying to make in lay mans terms?

Last lines meaning in this poem?

It mean that when you kill a man, your soul is condemned, or you have sinned. A man is an extension of God, and so is a cat, so it basically means taking a cat's life is tha same as taking a man's life in the eyes of God.

Can I get into Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, Cornell, Northwestern, John Hopkins?

Ok you idiot..........your stats are well over the 85 percent mark of the people that apply to these colleges....that means you are competing against the top 15% of applicants.....and the only way you can out do them is by a strong "shagelisious" essay....and a bit of appeal...but seriously quit asking question that you already have the answers to.....

The united states Temperance Movement?

the temperance movement was very important. i know that woodrow wilson was involved and so was Franklin D. Roosevelt., Neal Dow, and Frances Williard. It was all about how drinking in america was heavy and how they were compaining to stop the drinking. it was during the 1800's (late 19th century and the early 20th century.) but why did it happen. was it because there were a lot of people getting hurt because of the drinking problem? i know things but not a lot it would be great if i knew who played the key roles in stopping it. and who was against it. ( who, what, where, when, why and how. ) please don't just give links... put some stuff you know about it!

Is being a good girl really worth it?

I've been a good girl for all my life. I overthink everything I'm about to say so that it doesn't offend anyone and I think about how other people feel too much. Is it really worth it? It seems to me that bitchy people are getting more respect. Should I free my inner *****? :)))

Christians are you ready for solid food: In the 6th Century Pope Gregory The Great, decreed that the three ?

My guess would be: To undermine the implied equality of women that would be umed based on Jesus' treatment of her. To reinforce Paul's misogynistic teachings about the inferiority of women.

1st time gardener...please help?

There are some lively varieties of perennial hibiscus that survive the winters here in Southern New England (zone 5), so you should be able to find one that will work in PA. They come in all kinds of colors. I need to get a couple more for my yard as well. Annual flowers like marigold and zinnias can still be started from seed in the garden but it's late. Getting flats of annual flowers is going to be fairly slim pickings now, too, since many of them have been being sold for over two months now, but you can still find them. Pinch out any flowers on the ones you buy in 6 packs now. Better they spend a bit of time putting out roots rather than flowering for a few weeks. But before you start planting perennials (besides, at this point it may be better to wait until the worst of the summer heat is over before planting them) now, spend the summer looking at what is already in the yard. Look at websites for gardening (Better Homes and Gardens, White Flower Farm are good ones) to get an idea of what mature permanent plants look like, and what you like. Planting perennials is a good investment, as long as you like the mature plant. It can get expensive buying plants that don't do what you want five years down the road that you end up tearing out and replacing. See what may be available at local garden club sales (our library just had a book and plant sale yesterday where people cleaned out extra perennials and donated them for the library fund and there were some good buys), and look at other people's yards. If you see something you like, stop and see if the homeowner will show the yard to you and talk about what's planted to you. Not all will, but a lot of people are very proud of their yards and surprised enough that someone likes it enough to stop and ask.

What last name would match the first name Aisha?

i'm looking for a cool, nice last name. not a stupid weird last name. & not a common last name like smith or something.

What do you do if ur confused about someone?

i have this friend nick and he LUVS my best friend krista(we call her k:) but k can't stand him as to a bf. and i keep having dreams where me and nick r making out!! i told k nd she told nick! so nick thinks i like him but i tell him i dont but i dont kno if i do!!! help!!! im so confused!!!!

What is this song called??? I hear it fairly often on the radio. The chorus says something like...?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" , type the word "lyrics" and all of the lyrics that you know and hit search.

Raw sucks wwe fans agree or disagree?

1 wade barret in the ring sucks and his long boring segments should be blamed for raws ratings dropping in the last couple weeks, 2 and sheamus is actually petty entertaining, 3 daniel bryan is boring in the wwe under pg rules and really lacks charisma, 4 the holl nexus storyline is garbage even with cena joining, 5 Randy orton should go to tna because in the wwe he did everything and is getting boring with same stuff over, 6 The miz sucks and will never be a true heel, 7 evan bourne should get a mainevent push when he returns, 8 micheal cole is actually pretty good as a heel, 9 someone should go to a raw show holding a linda mcmahon sucks poster. 10 R-truth should go back to his old entrance i love the guy but no one likes the new one.

How blacks take care of themselves when we are number one in several health issues?

I agree that our lifestyle can be very unhealthy and it is something that we seriously need to change..

Is it time to change this law?

whether squatting = stealing is for the courts to decide. Isn't squatting a form of tresp? You would have to make all tresp criminal,the police would have to deal with it and the courts would become clogged with such a petty offence,taking away resources from dealing with real crime.

Where is the BEST place for me(22yrs) my husband and our 2 year son and we're expecting a baby, to move in GA?

I'm a 22 year old recently married expecting a baby and I have a 2 year old my family are I are planning on moving to Ga, but we don't know where. We are from Miami, Fl but we live in Weston, florida(a nice clean luxury neighborhood with LOW crime rates) where in Ga can we find something like Weston, Fl?( we do like big cities just not to love in them)

Tell me something: if aliens do visit the earth...?

If there was another life out there, that would be fascinating. Who knows, there could be another life out there way ahead of our technology, and curious to find other galaxies just like us human's are. I'm actually very curious about it all too.

Do you have to have a special limousine license to drive a limo in hawaii?

I know in other states like California, you must have a special license to drive a limo. However, I am not sure about Hawaii. Also, what is a "chauffeur license?"

Pistons-Warriors trade?

That would ruin the Warriors for me, but would add a new twist to the pistons. Id like to see it happen

What would you think of someone naming their daughter "Lolita"? Are Muslims calling their's "Aisha" the same?

Both starred in stories of child abuse. Fortunatley Lolita was fictional. Unfortunatley Aisha's story wasn't. Are Muslims calling their daughters Aisha abusing them?


Let me start out by saying that I agree with you 100%. The reason that they were locked up is because they did not report the incident. I believe that border guards have a imposable job and are unappreciated. I hope that George Bush will pardon the guards on his way out of office. I feel that the guards will get there jobs back and move on after the pardon. We need more guards with the B$&ls to pull their weapons and fight back to keep the illegal's on the other side.

The Eagles Lithographs?

I was curious if anyone knows where to go to sell some really cool original lithographs of the eagles album cover. These are a series of 5 and only 100 were made. These are also signed by the artist Boyd Elder. This comes from the series "American " and contain such work as Geronimo and One of These Nights to name a couple. The work was done in 1980. Any leads would be great!

Which of these names would be best for this character?

I think that Celeste fits her best. I think that Celeste would fit her better, since I always imagine someone named Celeste to have dark brown hair and pale blue eyes, and I've always thought of someone named that wouldn't exactly be "nice". =] Celeste is also a very lovely name, too, and I think it fits her very well. Good luck with your story! =]

Is this a cute dress for a wedding? I am not really fat (5'6''. 153lb).?

Is it worth it to have the m effect 2 cerberus network card?

i bought a used copy of the game and i did not realize there was some card with a code for the game. Is it really that big a deal to have this?

Are Athiests Smarter?

That's called a "sweeping generalization." Being as "smart" as you think you are you really should have known that...

Pages of the Holy Word of the FSM?

"And unto your feast, libations shall be added, and this is proof that all is good." RAmen!

Im scared to start again. please please help?

okay... i broke up with my ex and he said it was cause im jelouse and i drove him away we were together 15 months ;( but now ive meet another guy. hes really muselly and a rower and gawjuzz but like i was with him in town and he knew all these girls and was chatting to them for ages completly forgetting I was there! I just am so unsure that im not good enough im so scared.. im not sure if im jelouse i feel so vunrable he says he wants to be with me.. but he hasnt talked about going out or like asking me out. i just dont wana get hurt. i feel so ugly, people say im not. im just really scared. help please

Should i sell my Saradomin Sword in Runescape to buy a Dragon 2h and lots of extra money.?

If you want to train your strength do not sell your sara sword because it is the best weapon to train strength with. If you want a dragon 2h you can just buy it as you have enough money to do so. Dragon 2h arent that good thought because they hit slow and buying a bandos godsword would be a better thing to do. Whip can't train strength so if you really don't want your sara sword you could sell it and buy a bandos godsword instead of a dragon 2h and then just buy a dragon scimitar to train your strength.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Help with the english? can u just make this paragraph shorter?

In the beginning of this tale, Romero shows disregard for the poor and their oppressment; after the ination of his friend and his appointment, Romero is contrastingly impacted. When his friend is inated, this character comes to the realization that the government of El Salvador is corrupted in its ignorance of the detriment of their beloved country. This has prompted Romero in his dramatic uptake of action against the aforementioned government.

Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables? Could it have been so that those who listened would be required to?

ponder His Words to gain understanding? Do you think it was to cause them to have to search their hearts in order to perceive His Truth that He wished to impart to them? It took some "soul searching" (and still does) and thoughtful reflection in order to get the meaning He intended.

Who thinks the Obama Administration should cut stimulus spending?

I think things like Pelosi's swamp mouse at 30 million dollars and Harry Reid's billion dollar train system and things along these lines should be cut out.Realistically though, the Obama administration it self should be cut...right out of Washington.

Do diagonals bisect angles in a tzium? do diagonals bisect each other in a tzium?

Are diagonals perpendicular in a tzium? Are diagonals equal in a tzium? Are opposite sides equal in a tzium? Are opposite angles equal in a tzium?

What is a free to play MMORPG that has a good Buffer cl?

Not Cabal, Perfect World games, InfiniteAion, or WoW private servers. A non-cartoonish game as well.

Are these the morals of Christian Conservative Republicans & their loyalty to the USA? Bush family + China?

There are always far too many conflicts of interest involved in politics. Companies making donations to political parties, including those with relatives in government, cannot avoid being a source or at least a temptation, towards corruption.

Whats the one way u wanna die ( dont go for natural ok)?

Me... i would go for a quick death in a WWll long dogfight between the nazis preferrably in a British Spitfire.


kep, so my friend wants me to meet this guy, so i added him to myspace, and i left him a comment...but, from looking at his page, it doesn't look like he's all that smart (he misspells stuff, and his survey says that he didn't get good grades in high school) problem is, i'm a member of the National Honor Society, and I need a guy who can at least hold a conversation. this guy hasn't been to college, and i don't know if he will ever go. should i give him a chance anyway? i'm moving to his town in the fall to go to school there.

What should I do about a contractor I feel cheated me?

A few years ago I hired a building contractor that had a good reputation to build a 2-car garage. He gave me an estimate for $18,000. However, when he presented me with the bill, it was for $22,000. When I pointed out the discrepancy, he replied that the original estimate only included the labor and materials he used. Since he sub-contracted the installation of the electronic doors and the electric line to the garage, he had to add that to the bill. Not only that, but he only put siding on about 3/4 of the way to the ground. When I asked about that, he said that he would come back and finish it some other time since it required some masonry work he hadn't counted on. Months went by and he never came back. The particle board that isn't covered started to disintegrate and the siding that is there bulges out during warm weather. There are places in the lawn where the buried electric cable from the house to the garage is starting to stick up. Repeated calls to his answering service have gone unanswered. Have I been shafted again? What should I do?

Why do people look at Che Guevara as a hero?

because he vote for obama and is a communism to make terrorism and supports obamas terrorisms agenda.

So whats really happening on y&r?

someone wrote on here that adam was leaving off the show because the script was called for him to kiss another man on the show and that adam was going to be replaced on Monday the 25 of may and that hasn't happen! hes still there, can anyone tell me whats going on there? and on here someone wrote about spoilers where phyllis and jack are supposed to sleep together, and most of what they said on here was already on the show ,but i didnt see jack and phyllis together .i just seen where she slapped jack and told him about sharon and billy. can anyone fill me in on this? thank-you

Where can I download the higurashi no naku koro ni visual novels in english ?

I have been searching the web but haven't found any legit websites where I could stream or download the games.

OK, so let me get this straight...?

fascism is very much a left-wing philosophy. As desperate you liberals are to pin some sort of totalitarian dictatorial philosophy on conservatives, those damn facts strike back every time.

How could she do this to me?

you seem to have some self confidence issues. This may hurt, but just all in once, send her an email about exactly what you feel, and get right to the point. i've done it twice. worked both times. make sure you are clear. and look, you are good enough for this, and your feelings do matter even if you think they don't. If she makes fun of you for it, or if she is mean to you about it, she wasn't your friend in the first place. It may hurt, but sometimes you have to take these risks. be strong and send an email :) you'll thank yourself afterwards

If theres a dude that yhu hate/love what do yhu do?

theres this boy i know he ignores me... literally i mean i aint think of it as nothin at first then it started messin with my mind and i hate him for it but i like him hw do yhu get his attention and get him off yhur mind

PS3 games, which are worth the play?

I have had a ps3 for quite some time and have yet to explore the great plethora of games out for it these days. In my game library I currently have fallout 3, oblivion, ins creed, mirrors edge, and lair. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which games I should further expand my game library with? (links appreciated =D)

Looking for a anime to watch?

im looking for a good anime like initial D 1-4 or wangan midnight you know where the main character is the best at what they do for some reason or another like in inital d hes delivered tofu for his dads shop since 7th grade and those skills have made him the best amature mountenpath street racer or in wangan midnight he finds the car in a junkyard and fixes it up ad it turns out to be one of fastest cars on the road making him almost unbeatable the animes do not have to be about cars or racing im just looking for something where the main character ends up being th best either thru hard work or finding something that gives them the skill needed or even having it already and people wanting to beat them ( ex.prince of tennis)

When you jail break your iphone for the second time does all your previous apps and tweaks get removed?

LIke I've jailbroken my iPhone with the 3.0 firmware and now im waiting to jailbreak it with the 3.1. I've done a lot of cool stuff with my backgrounds and stuff through SSH and all my apps I've downloaded through Cydia. Will those stay on my iphone when I jailbreak it with the 3.1 firmware? Or will everything get erased and have to start over. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I just haven't heard anything about this before.

Who wants tax relief on Gas prices?

Now you are catching on, its not the Oil Companies, that are Gouging us , Its your Friendly States, another thing if we take care of the illegals our Fuel prices will drop as the demand on our limited supply drops.

Has anyone heard of the diva cup? Menstrual cup?

They sell biodegradable tampons too! Personally I can't see myself inserting a cup that I have to wash out whenever it fills, I understand the ecological benefits but... it's kind of gross!

What do you think of this college application essay? Tips are badly wanted?

You've got a typo in the second sentence, a grammatical error in the last paragraph, and an awkward sentence that begins with the word, "Reflecting." While I understand what you're saying, I think your essay is too generalized and maybe a little trite. The phrase "I delight in personal education advancement" is too stuffy and pompous. What subjects get your imagination going? Military history? Politics? Art? Religion? Baseball? Ayurvedic medicine? Perhaps if you included something more personal than your fondness for Newsweek, it would give the college application people a better sense of your personality and interests.

What should I wear to a friend's dress up stagette party?

I think you have great style. I love all of the dresses you picked... not really the boots. But I pick A and E. The dress is already frilly so you want to go with something tight and simpler. I would wear heels with the dress though... if it were me.


A solid 4: nothing outstandingly good or bad. Here's a hint, posting the same questions and pictures makes you very unattractive. No one wants to be with someone with a low self esteem, no confidence, and a constant need for affirmation.

What are two global configuration mode commands that are required to enable SSH on a Cisco router?

two global configuration mode commands that are required to enable SSH on a Cisco router, and does not include line vty commands.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's your favourite Little Richard Song?

Mine is Good Golly Miss Molly. His piano work in that song is phenomenal along with that distinctive voice of his.

Do i have a chance at being a great varsity rb/wr?

Keep the lateral movement going in traffic. Look up Barry Sanders footage on You Tube and observe his footwork. Also check out Darren Sproles from the Chargers. Sounds like you`re on your way.

Does Floyd Sr. feel like Roach and Manny robbed him of his manhood after the Hatton fight?

Floyd Sr. said Hatton's gonna KO Manny but found Hatton sleeping in the canv barely two minutes in the second round. that said how bad a trainer he was.

Why is the EU hellbent on completing what Hitler started?

If you're going to compare the EU to Hitler, you could use better examples than bendy vegetables and rubbish bins.

What are some cute and comfortable shoes/flats that i can wear everyday?

im having trouble finding some good quality shoes for everyday wear. i have a toe infection that keeps coming back every 6 months or so and i need something very comfortable and roomy or a peep toe type of shoe/flat. & unfortunately i have a back problem as well (herniated disc) i dont care how expensive they are as long they are comfy and go with anything. (skinny jeans mostly) thank you so much! God Bless

Humans as an Evolutionary Being + More?

I think that the main problem is that there is much less "survival of the fittest" then before. We have no predators to speak of (not any that really curb the population), and medical science saves millions of people that would normally have died and not produced offspring. This has led to the current population explosion, which is at the root of many of the human-based problems with the planet. I think that once humans do whatever it is we will do to wipe oruselves out and screw the planet up royally before/during that time, the world will go on, new life will evolve, and the planet will have been no better/worse off for having us onboard for awhile.

Need advice... how do i move forward?

I person don't think they were just kidding around. I understand vows are very serous, but if someone is fooling around there is no need to be unhappy. I don't think that you should be embarred or ashamed unfortuntly this happens all the time. The perseon should feel ashamed is your husband. I personally wouldn't be able to trust again, just because thats me. If you feel you can make this work try it go to consuling, find out why he feels so neglected. I understand the vows for better or worse, but if they don't change their ways why should you have to suffer. If someones cheating that means their unhappy with something, you can try to fix it, but if doesn't work than it won't ever work. I wish the best of luck for you.

How does a motorbike of 500 - 600 cc handle, if derestricted.?

There is no connection between derestricting and effects of bike handling. If there is no derestriction then the bike will run much faster.

'crazy, deranged' people? i have a mad scientist?

okay, so i'm doing a photo shoot named 'people with problems' basically i'm going to dress up as 'messed up people' fun, i know. so i have a mad scientist. i can't really think of any more ideas. i wanted some original ideas (i know a mad scientist isn't original) but can you guys think of any? thanks!!! please don't hate/ xxx and i really didn't know what section to put this in. but i will need help with hair, makeup and costumes so i thought beauty and style??

Good way to straighten out, old crinkled receipts?

tax season! as you all know, although my receipts are all crinkled and messy what ways do you do to organize or receipts? or to unwrinkled them.


go to google.......enter budd dwyer on the first thing you see.....( i can tell you is that its alll REALLLL.......if u wanna see more jacked up stuff comment on budd dwyer....and you will be flippin out bro!!!!!!! lol

Is the water in Roswell New Mexico safe to drink ?

only drink bottled water, my favorite is ;Desani', but pick your own, you can take a shower in it, but do not drink it! In fact, do not drink any municipal water in any country in the world-it may be safe from harmful bacteria, but it will be full of things you do not want in your body...

How can I break up someone's dialup connection on purpose?

I want to know how I can INTENTIONALLY break up someone's dial-up connection from my house. My grandmother sometimes leaves her internet on and I can't call to check up on her. Can someone tell me how I can do this if possible?

How do I start a chore system if I am a child myself?

I'm thirteen years of age. I notice that my mother yells at me when I supposedly "clean up wrong" or do something of that sort. My siblings generally forget to clean after themselves. I don't think my siblings and I are lazy - we have never had a chore system. All we ever do is get yelled at for doing things the wrong way. My question is how do I, a measly thirteen year old, start a chore system? I'm not the ringleader of the house, so it will be a tad hard for people to listen to me. But any ideas how to approach this?

Help me For my career. I am from India Kanpur?

i will suggest u to try to earn from google adsense. And also u can use web resources to know about bank Jobs like .

Simple Gnocchi recipes, please!?

I'm in a Spanish cl and my ignment is to make Gnocchi. I don't want anything exquisite, Just something plain and simple.


okay i had this dream that i was in a tarot place and i was with my sister she was getting here tarot reading and i remember seeing the month october and the number 81 and i also saw the status of saint Lazarus i was touching it what could this mean ???

NHL: Is there a website where I can find?

Well if have a iPhone or any phone that let's you download apps then try the CBS hockey app it's free and it has every team in the NHL

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do you feel like you're on candid camera these days what with all the cctv cameras?

looking through the plethora of stuff on here seems the questions of late have been awful, time to bring back some decent questions.

Why does the word sound so ungraceful?

Ok no offense meant here..I am bi or maybe , either way, I just hate the word ! It just sounds so weird and I always imagine some big butchy girl wearing a lumberjack sweater and dirty jeans whenever I hear that word. And I think its kind of like a manly stereotype everyone imagines when they hear that word. Either that or star girls making out. Although I know not all of the girls are really that way. Anyway if they were to change the word, what would be a nicer sounding word? I think just the word gay sounds nicer.

How could I get a phrase written out in Arabic calligraphy?

You should go to an Arab place. But I warn you, most of the tattoos I've seen aren't either spelled/written correctly. Most of the letters should be stuck together, with the exception of around 5 letters.

Controling myself of crying at funeral?

Sweety, I am sorry about your loved one dying. Crying at a funeral is not only okay, but people expect it. Don't worry.

Can the wild horses of chincoteague drink the salt water?

its a sand barrier island and its a brackish wetland, can the horse somehow drink salt water or is there a way to find substantial surface fresh water?

Business Ethnics Question?

FIFO is an accepted inventory costing method, so yes, it is appropriate and ethical. If prices are rising on the companies inventory products, FIFO will result in higher earnings than LIFO or average cost, therefore a higher bonus. However, if prices are falling on the company's inventory products, FIFO would result in lower earnings and therefore lower bonus. The inportant thing is to choose an inventory costing method and stick with it consistently.

Is it okay to 'break down' this much ?

Just give him a little time he will come around. maybe he realized he was being controlling by making you call/text 24/7 and he is just being nice by giving you a little space. But maybe you should just talk to him about it and see whats going on.

Wats good remedy for anxiety ?

I feel for you, I feel the same way! Yes tea will help you relax, it is soothing, Give it a try it sure can't hurt, also can try a little meditation!!

Trenton transit center to West Trenton station?

what are the directions from trenton transit center to west trenton station. how far is it distance wise? plz list ur source.

Would you be happy or mad if your Power bill doubled next winter? That is highly likely if the Senate ...?

It looks like the idiot liberals are at it again, with the thumbs down and all. What a bunch of dummies, Obama said in his own words during the campaign that "under his plan, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket". That is what he said but these retards don't seem to listen.

What would you do if your inlaws moved in with you a week before your first child was due?

OMG. I would scream. I couldn't handle that let alone being pregnant. I am so sorry for you. Your hubby needs to man up and make you and the baby his #1 priority. GOOD LUCK

I have a Podcast that i am just starting up and need some ideas of wind up calls to companies.....?

Can anyone help me with some funnies that i can use for the podcast.....??? I have so far called holiday inn, reception and requested Sprouts from brussels, cheese from cheddar and a couple of swedes from sweden. also called burger king to try and find out how much Ham is in a hamburger.... Anyone else have anything that i could use??? Please help!

Am i pregnant or not? i need to know da truth!!?

i havent start my period for a month n almost 2 weeks. so im like a month n alsmot 2 weeks late on my period, so i waswondering, am i pregnant? i did take a preg test,but it say negative.i took the test when i was a month late n some days. so, should i give another week or some days, then retake the preg test again? n see wat is the results. my signs of right now is like tired almost everyday when i get home from school, but idontget morning sickness. i dont feel tat. i do feel alittle moody somedays...n i thought it would be signs of pmsing only, but nooo i haventbeen on my period for a month n almost 2 months. mylower back has been hurting alotthough. ido sometimees crave for things like sweet onion teriyaki chicken sandwich at subway, and sometimes panda and ice cream too.mostly strawberry or chocolate ice cream. hmm, so wat? am i preg? n wait forsome days n retake a preg test again? or no im not preg? idk wat to do orthink? so please answer me wat u think!! thanks so much....and if u have advices for me or questions to answer then ill respond u back forsure okie. i really need toknow thetruth. thanks again.

Does this sound like a dumb tattoo?

I want to qet the alphabet tattooed on my collarbone area that leads to my shoulder . For the simple fact that I love to write , It's more than just self expression , but i don't know if this would in fact seem silly .. If so,any suqqestions are welcome . Thank you .

What do you think of my poem ? : )?

i think that this poem is amazing, i love how the poem comes together to kind of tell a story, it is really deep and thoughtful, i really wish i could be as good of a poet as you. i dont know what swoon means, but i like the way it sounds lol =)

I don't know what to do!!!=,((?

alright it's mean you scare of them right? the more you scare the more they gonna make fun of you. just kick them in the ***! believe me it's a survival tactic in most school. be aggressive and sometime you could end up in a fight but don't scare about it . it worth paying! i have been through this, after fighting is over you deserve respect and they're not gonna mess with you again..ever...... good luck ! tough.

I have a1997eclipse why do i have to push the clutch like i have to stand on it before it will start.?

Like the clutch has to be pushed as hard as i can to the floor. like i have to stand on it. and its not hard to push in, just i have to push feels like it wont start till its all the way through the floorboard.Is there a on that the clutch pedal has to hit before the car will start and do they go bad or can i adjust the pedal or what?

Could someone help me with finding out the title of this book?

I think I know the book you mean. I think she was an Amazon and she was like, the -child of the queen, if it's the book I'm thinking of.

Trying to figure out the best way to travel to Yankee Stadium from Cape Cod Machusetts, need some help?

I live in New Bedford, MA, basically near Cape Cod. My friend and I will be going to see a Yankees game in NY next month and we are trying to figure out the best way to travel there. People tell me that I should take a bus or train there, but I feel like driving there would be better. I feel like two people both putting in money for gas in the same car would be cheaper than us both buying roundtrip tickets for a bus or train. Also when the game is over, I can just go to the car when I want to, I don't have to worry about missing the bus or train and either being stranded or having to wait whatever amount of time for the next one. If anyone has some advice or has been through this, please help, it would be greatly appreciated!

My parents are going out for the night and I'm terrified of staying in the house on my own?

I'm 16 and I have stayed in the house on my own a few times before at night but I stayed up really late stressing and when I did go to bed I couldn't sleep coz I was sooo nervous. I'm terrified of someone breaking in or something. The thing is I live in the countryside and break-ins aren't uncommon and I don't have any nearby neighbours or family to call if something goes wrong. I'm really stressing over it at the moment and they're not going out until Friday. Iv told them my worries and they were being very flippant about and aren't going to change their plans. What can I do to stop me from being so nervous? Any sensible suggestions would be great. Btw I don't have any brothers r sisters to look after me.

USA are you watching the news?

... how will you solve this, more violente is the only answer and you knew that this will happen.... Kosovo is independed... WHAT NOW??!?!!?!?

How does Humboldt State University compare to colleges like UCLA, UC Berkeley, CalPoly SLO, and UCSB?

I plan on majoring in either zoology, wildlife, or anthropology. What should I do if I am unable to visit the campus that I wish to attend?

Adivce about my hubby?

I am so sorry your life has come to this place. He as a man feels as though he should be the provider and take care of his family but due to the illness, he cannot. He probably feels less of a man for this. I've had experience with the other half and internet so I feel your pain. Maybe you can find things that you absolutely need his help with; start with small things like opening jars and then lifting things. I know you have experience doing this all yourself but it will slowly get him back to normalcy. Find ways to make him do anything at all. If he feels needed and necessary, it will help with the depression. He may need to seek medication as well. Good luck.

Is my dads Bell's palsy & vision loss caused by ?

I had a theory. A couple months ago, my dad was diagnosed with Bell's palsy. He also needs a cornea transplant. I was thinking that since Bell's palsy is caused by simplex, could the vision loss be keratitis?

For guys or girls who live around new jersey?

hello, my name is eduardo and I write lirycs... people say that I should start making music because my lirycs have magic... so I decided that I want to make music but not by myself... I looking for latin guys and girls around 16 to 21 years of age : you should dance, sing and of play an intrument (not necessary but if you do would be great)... so we can get together and make our dreams come true... just hit me back by this "yahoo answer" bye

What cosmetics brands do you recommend?

If you want the natural look, try Bare Minerals or some kind of mineral makeup. Cliche but yes-it feels like you have nothing on and looks natural. I like Clinique too. Its not harsh on the skin. My mascara of choice is Estee Lauder definicils. *Tip... go to Norstrom's if you are experimenting. lots of variety and its easier to exchange if your not happy*

Are most serial killers alpha-male?

I don't think that they are an alpha male because they are cowards. An alpha male is willing to fight another alpha male. A serial killer, on the other hand, tends to be a bully and a coward. Do they attack strong men? No, they prey upon someone weaker than themselves, which makes them nothing more than a plain old bully. There is nothing glamorous about them at all. They are too spineless to fight someone who is their own strength. Same for men who beat up women. Cowards, losers and bullies who are too afraid to fight someone their own size.

Friday, August 12, 2011


kristallnacht is german for crystal might because nazis raided jew stores and synagouges so there was a lot of broken gl that looks like crystals

What do i want for christmas????

ok im 14 years old i work on small engines and go karts im really into it as of now i have all the main hand tools wrenches etc. Im also into computers and built my own........But im pretty good at lawn mowers i can do alot more than you would think i can strip thie engine down to the points and replace no prob tear open carbs and replace cranks etc i know what im doing....what do i need for the garage what is an absolut for a mini mechanics garage????? other than a toolbox and an amp grinder.....

I'm a complete failure?

I think the answer here is obvious...GET JACKED HARD ON STEROIDS so you won't feel inadequate next to the dudes with foot long subs...

Can I sue my mother for back child support?

Ok, so here's the deal. When I was 5 my parents were married and my mom went out and had and affair. My parents divorced and my father got custody. My mother got visitations on certain days of the week. That didn't last long as she soon stopped coming to get me. She was out of my life for twenty-seven years until I tracked her down and tried to rebuild bridges with her. That lasted about a year until her husband (the man she had an affair with twenty-seven years ago) decided that he didn't want me around, so my mother tells me that she doesn't want me in her life anymore. I am 35 years old and live in NC. My question is.......can I sue her for all those of years that she was out of my life and didn't provide support for me? I need some serious answers. If you can't answer this without being a or saying something mean to me, then don't answer. But for those that are willing to answer on a grownup level then I would like your help, please.

What Is Third Reich?

Can Someone Describe Whats An Third Reich I Tried Looking Online But I Couldnt Seem 2 Find It Please And Thankyou :)

Dream interpretation please?

I had a dream that i was in this really sunny city, it was a clear sky and really bright out. I was sitting in this courtyard in the middle of the city on these stairs to a fountian and decided to call up my friend renee. Me and her talked but i dont remember what we talked about. Thats really all i remember of the dream but anyone know what it means?

What should i do? Boyfriend v baby. ?

My fiance said that we could have a baby when we get back from holiday. We are both 26 and have been together or five years and i have been broody for ages. I was well happy. He now suggesting things like going travelling and so on forgetting about the whole baby situation . when i get upset and remind him of the baby thing he says thinks like. 'why do you wanna ruin things'. but them says yeah we will have one then. I don't know what to do. my need for a baby is strong but i don't wanna go behind his back. He is only saying he wants a baby for me. i know when we do have this baby he will be so happy but i wish we could be like other couples making a decision. i know that when i have told him i have come off the pill he will panik. My friend said don't worry he is scared as he did this when we got a morgage. He used to get cold feet and then when we moved in he was well happy. My frined said just come off the pill and don;t tell him but is that right? I want him to be excited about it but i don' t think he is that type of guy? I would like to know anyones opinion if anyone has not fallen to sleep yet reading this email.

What is this bouncy, rhythmic, danceable, by music?

I was waiting for The Prodigy at Ruisrock in Finland, and they had the awesomest music playing in the background. It had strong b beats, it was really rhythmic and it just made it impossible to not dance to it. Here's a a somewhat poopy sample:

Help?? can i improve this?

It's really good as it is. The only improvement I would suggest is that you make the speech sound slightly more natural in some parts, such as saying "I'm" rather than "I am". Its only a small adjustment, but it will make a difference. Also, you could describe more the sounds they hear....was there any background noise? How did the voices of the characters sound? All that will add to it.

Would cung le stand a chance against anderson silvia?

Anderson silvia dosnt have much competition in the ufc. Since cung le is fighting frank shamrock in a month and frank wont comback the ufc because he doesnt like danna white. Could cung le come to the ufc to fight andersen silvia? and who would win

The last house on the left movie review......?

so their was a lot of controversy surrounding the scene in this movie. Either you hated it and found it to be grotesque, or you found it disturbing, but you knew why it was in the film. Personally i found it to be a key part to the movie and help to better identify. But i would like to hear what you all have to say about it, and about the movie in general!

Are any other Darwinian evolutionists going to see this movie ?

The problem is the Ben Stein has NO EXPERTISE WHATSOEVER in the relevant field. He knows less about biology than I do about accounting.

A yahoo answer said a disturbed person is one who is socially awkward&depressed. Well if that is the cause is?

it worth this person living if they can't live a normal productive life. And don't say meds are solution when every one under the sun tried makes it worse. Also what's a person to do if they have a rich mom that constantly robs money from a broke struggling many years person. To top offnearly midlife &still haven't found my niche. Really what can change now only a shomiracle to make things better. So can someone,anyone find a good solution to this dilemma of a miserable life. So thanks if there's any concerns or good tidbits

Who love this 3 things too...?!!!!?

where love�s this boy too,Oli sykes from Bring me the horizon,his clothing line Drop dead i love this stuff really,and the band bring me the horizon,where love the 3 things too,what thing about it.?!!!!

Where to get a good coat for a teen?

I am 13 years old, and wear about 40" in my torso, and want a coat that is more tight fitting, but still a bit roomy. I want a black one with black, grey, or white fur around the hood. I wonder if you knew a place to get one? Thanks :)

Would you play welker who might not play against Miami or Austin who is recieving the ball from McGee?

Pats will have their hands full against Miami. You know Welker will be doubled. Go with Austin. Mcgee looked sharp last game.

What is the auditors role in liquidation and receivership?

to balance books and place a value on ets and stock and then ess hao much money will come in and how much is still owed out

What's wrong with my ear?

My ear hurts inside and there's a constant ringing. It's only my left ear and I've just used a cotton bud to see if there was a freakish buildup of ear wax, but there wasn't. It doesn't change when I yawn or anything, it just hurts more, really. What is it? What can I do?

Please help guy issues please help?

He may feel the same way towards you and wants you to be his girlfriend but is scared. Ask him out on a date and you would know for sure if he likes you as a future girlfriend.

My little dreamy floating-away poem. Short version or long version?

I do agree you need a title but other than that it is a detailed, beautiful, excellent, magnificent poem! Such deep meaning in nature and the unknown your poem have! Keep up with the good detailed, beautiful work! Hope this helps anyway! ;)

Isn't this what God teaches us: to be tolerant of others?

As a Christian, do you realize that Christianity has many different branches and denominations? Such as: Presbyterians, Moravians, Russian Orthodox, Lutherans, Mormons, Greek Orthodox, Amish, Baptists, Universalist Unitarians, Quakers, Reformed Christians, Methodists, Adventists, Mennonites, United Church of Christ/Congregationalists, Catholics, Episcopalians/Anglicans, Brethren Churches. All Christians are one in the belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of this entire world. We may disagree on other issues such as dogma, interpretations, and worship. But don't we agree on more important issues than that? I respect the true Christian denominations, even though I may not agree. Do you agree that tolerance is the key to respect?

What type of rain gear should I take to Ireland?

Where have you people been living?? it never stops raining especially during summer, it rained for 64 days straight last summer that was some kinda record, and apparently we are in for another wet one this summer, however there has hardly been rain this winter , but it's so bloody cold out! Anyhow, umberella all the way, most people use them, you can get away with a light fol up rain jacket aswell, something you can roll up in your bag. in the summer last year the rain was very heavy, my house was flooded, so it wasnt light summer rain. but we can have 4 seasons in a day, i dont think you'll be prepared no matter what.

Why is it that whenever I ask a question of *any* sort in this category, I'm accused of 'gay bashing'?

My thoughts are "ask what you'd like" only remember to into consideration the "guidelines" and that there are going to be people to cry "foul" for no other reason other than they can. You will never make everyone happy, and if you do, patent it and make a fortune with it. Live and live the thought we will all piss off someone some time and some day, don't take it personally.

Will i be clean of THC?

You might have it out of your system by then but there is always a possibility. I do know if you try to drink water and cranberry juice to get it out quicker, theres a chance your urine will be too clean which they won't count that as a negative drug screen

When God ordered the murder of all man, woman, and child in Canaan, how's it being justified in modern times?

That was in OT days, things were different then. Today allah said convert or kill, and they are trying to follow him.

I would like to know if this is retaliation or if I'm reading more into it.?

I filed a complaint against the Customer Service Manager who is friends with the HR Manager. I am the purchasing Agent at my company. Three weeks later the HR Manager moved my desk to the front door and made me the receptionist, I have to however continue to preform my Purchasing related duties. My back is to the door at least 50% of the time and I have started to get neck and shoulder pain from the constant twisting and turning to receive guests. I was essentially demoted to receptionist but must also maintain all the other duties I had prior to this move. Could this be considered retaliation for my complaint? The company has been hiring employees for various other departments including Customer Service so the argument that there is an employee freeze is not one that can be used for not hiring an actual Receptionist.

I have two problems with Windows Movie Maker!?

It occasionally happens in WMM if there are too many clips, transitions etc. in the project. Try to save your project in small parts. Import the saved videos again in WMM and place them in serial order in the timeline, add music and save as a whole video.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Change my life completely. What do I do?

Moving to a new town is the best way to transform your life. But you're probably just going to get caught up in a web of everyday concerns that prevent you from taking any action, and you'll spend the rest of your life wishing you had the guts to risk following your heart. Happens all the time. In the big picture, Scotland isn't *that* far from Andover, just bloody inconvenient.

Please help…need the spark back?

How about taking up an outdoor hobby together? If you're in the states (and it's Summer months) you could take up hiking (just strap baby in those backpack carriers- cant remember what they're called) or tennis etc. It could be something that neither of you are very good at and want to learn together. That would make for good bonding time. :)

Darius Heyward bey for Michael Crabtree?

Someone tell me the Raiders can't be that brainless?..Oh wait then again the Raiders are known for busts.

Can i use a cease and desist letter to the opposing party's attorney to stop his slander ing me in court?

is there anything similar to an injunction against harment i could get to stop him from alleging i am guilty of acts that have already been proven to be fictional? if i can sue him for malpractice, that is a possibility yet does not address this issue in an effecient, timely fashion?

Anyone know about 'Windberg wood panels" the surface of the board is finely crushed marble. (For pastels)

where can I buy another? This board has a very fine sandpaper like surface. It is extrodinarly conducive to pastel painting.. it came encased in cellophane. cannot find it in any Art stsores .

GUYS AND GIRLS - isent this a pathetic way to break up with someone?

Yeah, that's about as lame as you can get. It's almost as bad as all of the women who say, "Call me," and then never return the guy's calls again. If people aren't capable of communicating like civilized human beings they shouldn't be dating.

Is there anyone on Y!A who is macrobiotic?

I was reading a little about macrobiotic dieting on Wikipedia, and I'm wondering if anyone who is macrobiotic could tell me something about how you can eat nothing but grains and raw fruit and vegetables without dying. Seriously, wouldn't you keel over from malnutrition? I know that Gwyneth Paltrow is macrobiotic, and she looks fabulous. But she's the only macrobiotic person on Earth that I'm even remotely familiar with.

Math question, please tell me your reasoning?

B. Two opposite angles congruent doesn't guarantee the quadrilateral is a parallelogram, it is a kite in which the other two non-congruent angles differ.

Could I have fractured my toe?

I took the bus home from school on Tuesday...the bus lurched and I fell, scraping my left knee and stubbing my big toe on my left foot. Now my toe is swollen and it really hurts to move it up or down. (There is only slight up and down movement of this toe). I can't bend/curl my toe either, and I'm limping because I have to keep the toe straight when I walk as it won't bend. Is it possible that I've fractured my toe?

Can you house crickets with locusts?

I would say NO ..they are both enemies to each other and there would be some deaths. The TV nature film with Alan Tichmarsh showed a big green bush cricket that jumped on a grhopper and ate it.

I want to fix myself up despite depression holding me back!?

Your young, these are called hormones, and a phase that honestly you will grow out of. The thing you have to understand is, your YOU and and if you dont believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? You have to love yourself before anyone else will ever love you also. You have to get up in the morning, and do something that makes you happy, you know your depressed, you know why your depressed, so now its time to figure out what makes you happy, its time to find your place. You have to know that you are great in your own way, you contribute to this world in your own way and any girl would be LUCKY, they would be the luckiest person in the WORLD to have you and you have to think of yourself as a prize. I know the feelings of having depression and issues, I've always kept a journal, and written down all my issues, and I think of it as putting my heart and soul on a piece of paper, all my issues and heart ache, than when I close the book, aka the journal, its gone..and I've turned a new page and started a clean slate.. you just have to do this for yourself, noone else can do it for you and I hope that has made some sort of differnace for you

Is there a such thing as too much DHA for babies?

i wondered this too, his formula has it, juice has it, yogurt has it(he dosent get that yet but u know) gerber baby food has dha etc its crazy..

I need some feedback on my plot idea and main character - I just need a little constructive critiscm etc.?

What are the ramifications of the ruby being stolen? Perhaps it's magical property is essential to the wellbeing of the city. Maybe There is an evil somebody who couldn't steal the ruby before but always wanted to, and now that it's out in the open he also goes after Farrell. So now she's running from both of them, and it's up to her to keep the ruby and destroy the kingdom, join the prince and defend it from the evil person, or join the evil person and take over. Just a thought.:) Armand can be the evil somebody. But I think she should hang on to it for a little longer, just to make it interesting.


I just recently had a ride along for my criminal justice cl and I had a ball. But calling different agencies to request one was hard. One department has a policy stating you have to wear a bullet proof vest ( just because of the liability ) As for my ride along it was rather interesting but nothing serious happened. A cl mate of mine went on one and the officer and him had to respond to an alarm at the local school ( which was on a saturday ) and they both walked the premises of the school to check if everything was A ok. It really does depend on the department policies like stated by the the other guy but also depends on the officer.

I have a callus... Help!?

A callus is just a very hard and rough piece of skin. There are some people who are quilters, guitar players, and other sorts of things like that get them. If you're uncomfortable with the callus, you can shave it down, with a pumice rock or something like that so that it is more comfortable.

Is the problem with the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis not that its wrong, but that people tend to exaggerate it?

It makes sense that some of our evolutionary ancestors were more active in the water than other primates. Many of our features such as hairlessness, subcutaneous fat, breath control, brain, etc. can be explained by an aquatic phase. This seems much more plausible than the Savannah theory. The only problem with the AAH is that some people tend to take it too far, saying we came from otter like primates. Also, some of the hypos proponents are nutcases and/or non-scientists. I mean, many people think Elaine Morgan is the creator of the AAH.. but some scientists believed we went through an aquatic phase before. The AAH seems so much better than other explanations of certain human features, such as bipedalism.

Will the Queen give Obama a "royal reprimand" 4 not showing proper respect in receiving Gordon Brown in the US?

No. She will give him the British Virgin Islands or something in gratitude.. Gordon Brown is a national disgrace.

Christians: What would compel you to walk out of a Church service?

I walked out of a service in 1980 when the preacher decided to preach about me! He beat around the bush for about 15 minutes, but as soon as he got to his topic, I made a ceremony out of walking out on him. He said, "It's too bad the person who needs to hear this won't be here." But he was wrong: Nobody needed to hear that... he was completely wrong in what he was saying.

Why do Christians think that Christianity says abortion is murder?

This doesn't belong in the politics section. The person above who thinks we are human at the moment of conception, I have to ask, if we're human from the first moment, why can the zygote be put in a freezer to be implanted at a later date? If you put any human being in a freezer, it dies 100% of the time.

A name girls name that matches with...?

Aurelia (aw-ray-lee-a) a name that kinda matches or goes with it well not as a middle name but say as that persons twin

What to wear with these boots?

a floral dress with leggings under(: if your into that vintage style. depends what type of style your into, but pretty much anything. even a tee/loose shirt with light skinnies!

What do you think of this persons last fm playlist? #5?

I only like the JT,Robbie Williams and Good Charlotte songs on this playlist.Person must love pop music alot

Whats more important Critical Strike Rating or Attack Power?

I am a level 80 Mutilate Rogue and I am having trouble replacing a trinket. The one I have now gives 114 Critical strike rating and the one with attack power is 95 resilience rating with a cd that increases attack power by 752 for 20 seconds the cd is 2 minutes. The only problem is that if I did replace the 114 critical strike rating trinket I lose 3% crit chance which bring me down to 28%.

Ramadan: who are the believers with true faith?

It might surprise you to know that yes I am one of them even though I'm not Muslim. These basic things are taught in "true" Christianity as well. The only difference is that when we feel a tremor in our hearts it is for the knowledge of His love for us and not out of fear. That's not to say we don't know there is punishment for sins because there is, we just focus more on His love for us.

Is this mean?

your all 5 friends :) sometimes in cliques like that, your going to have one or two friends your more closer with than the others, but everyone just has to understand that. you obviously invited annabelle & kathy b/c your more close to them than you are gabby & maddi. get my point? you shouldnt be mad at them for wanting to go to the mall together, when you hadnt planned on inviting them. & if you did try to invite them, maybe that had already made plans. theres a million reasons why what happened, happened. you just need to forgive um, their your friends.

Does this make sense? this is for my French final.?

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Sophie. J'ai quatorze ans et je suis I'americaine. Je suis grand et brune. Je suis amusant et suis sportife. J'aime voyager et nager.

What happened to the ump?

I was watching another movie earlier during the Rays-Red Sox game and during commercial I checked the score of the game, and they said they had just had a 15-minute game delay and they were talking about only have 5 umps now instead of 6. Can anybody tell me what happened to one of the umps?

Which name would you pick?

My name is Eve! And I love my name, the only negative about my name is that I get teased a lot beacuse of "Adam and Eve" because there is an Adam in the grade above me. But I just ignore it. I like georgia. For the boys I like nathaniel. I know a Jonathan and a Levi

Stupid Israel !!! who doesn't hate them day after day?

Yeah, they're kind of jerks, practicing apartheid and pissing off everyone who isn't racist and stuff.

Does he like meeeeeeeeee?

well, my friend asked him (idk y) but hse did and heeeeee said yesssss. THen she told me and wanted to go with her to see him. We are friends and i do get that vib but i can't always trust her. how can i tell if he doesssssss?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is your opinion on legal euthanasia ?

Many people suffer from terminal illnesses that will eventually lead to their death. Some are in such pain, that they wish to hasten this process. Euthanasia is illegal in all states in america except which one which is Oregon. Some don't agree with it it do to religious, moral, or ethical beliefs. What is your personal stance on mercy killings?

We live in Fort Worth ,TX and my husband works as a sous chef on salary.?

The owner of this restaurant told everyone in the kitchen on salary that they had to take a mandatory 2 week vacation without pay. He said he needs to save money because of the economy. Can e do this?

Latin Phrase Tattoo ideas?

ones that have to do with being faithful like "semper fidelis" which means always faithful, its for my girlfriend i want it to be something about being faithful to her

Is internet access through home wifi with my T-Mobile Blackberry free if i have no data plan?

..or do i have to pay per kilobyte even if i'm supplying my own connection through my wireless router?


okay like right now my phone is not working i cant call no one or TEXT anyone and it's irking my nerves really bad but why is it happening why is it suddenly no service and guess what the same thing is happening to my dad.. can some one help a sista out and tell me why! because I need to text someone badly and kinda urgent..

If marriage needs to be restricted to male/female for the sake of procreation...?

The US Supreme Court has already ruled children have nothing to do with marriage and that marriage is a fundamental human right (Loving v. Virginia).

Does Andromeda Have a Star Cluster?

I'm doing a science project and I need to know if Andromeda has a star cluster in it, and if not which galaxy does?

Is the Scion XB big enough?

Ive been thinking about getting a scion Xb, but i was wondering if i would fit comfortably driving the car. Im kind of a big guy 6'3 280 pounds. If you own a Scion Xb or know alot about it, can you give me your opinion on the subject of me fitting comfortably in the car?

Infomercial on tv i've been seeing..?

it's an japanese or some sort of asian supplement for dry's something like waken-sin...can someone help me with the name???

Knee Swelling-Cant Bend It All The Way??

I hurt my knee when i was in basketball practice. I was on my last suicide and when i stretched out my leg to touch the line my knee felt a bit tight. After that i took i jumpshot and right when i jumped i felt something wrong with my knee and when landed my knee was hurting a lot..though it wasnt my landing that hurted it was when i jumped off the floor...i started walking it got swollen and i would walk with a limp for about 2 weeks.. and its been about 5 months and i still cant bend my knee all the way and time to time when i keep my knee bent for a while and then stand it still hurts and still swollen.. whats wrong with my knee...p.s i cant still run jump but my ability to jump as before has changed due to limits of my knee

Is there a website for identifying a parasitic worm?

Found a parasitic worm on a cricket and need an identification or picture, anyone know of a website that ids parasitic worms.

Sims 3 Ghost issue... not wanting to have a playable ghost but...?

Curious... I finally got my ghosts to come out of the graves, but now I can only see one of them. Ralph has seemed to disappear. Sunny is ALWAYS out of her grave... I can mourn, read or change the inscription on the graves. I can't move them or pick them up (it says it's in use by the ghost) with the current sim. I have to use moveobjects on and move the graves in buy/build mode if I want to move them at all... Any clue what I can do? I want to try to get Sunny back in the grave, and I want Ralph around again! Thanks ahead of time (Don't be afraid to message me on here!!)

Should I tell this guy what his problem really is?

Yes but be very nice, don't say he sounds like a woman say he has a very high pitched voice, if you tell him he sounds like a girl he will be very embarred and it will very much so offend him. Be nice

Where are the frenchman's Heights Condos?

I am familiar with st thomas, I know how to get to frenchmans bay, but where are the frenchman's heights condos and how do I get there. thanks.

Ideas for games for a summer camp please?

ok, here's my problemo. I'm doing a ministry this year with my church for a camp. We need ideas for games for both indoors and outdoors. We split the kids up into two groups, and the game needs to be easy to understand for Kindergartners, but also fun for fifth graders. Good luck! and thanks! We need all the ideas we can get!

What does bible verse colossians 1:18 mean?

and he is the head of the body, the church; he is the begining and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the seremacy

Is there a diode similar to a 1N914?

the only electronic store here doesn't have it, is this a rare type? i need about five of these on guitar effects pcb's, are there similar diodes that will do just the same?

Civility is not dictated by geography, but learned. Would you agree?

I just read some comment that said that living in a city promotes civility. I think that's utter BS. People civilized in a city? What a farce! Sure, perhaps in some miniscule part of Metropolis where the wealthy gather, click champagne flutes and eat steak and lobster as a staple, but on the most part, I don't think so! I live in Boston and it's a $&%*#@ jungle out here. 8P So how "civilized" is it in your city?

Is it o.k to be obssessed with things?

I know I've got an obssessive personality anyway, but I'll find myself thinking about things all the time (like lingering in the back of my mind), like anime series, favourite pairings in anime or whatever. Thinking about these things makes me happy (but usually all the time) and when I get the opportunity to talk about a mutual interest with someone I'm scared I'll sound too obsessed. Is this normal? I really don't want to be a freak :S

Recipes for a picky kid?

At least she eats some protein and starch. And gets calcium from ice cream. Seems like the problem is she doesn't like much in the way of fruits and vegetables. My sister had a friend that would only eat meat, mainly hamburger meat, and cereal when she was a kid and she's healthy. I would make foods that you know she likes, along with foods the rest of the family will eat. A lot of kids don't like vegetables, but most of them like corn. Have you tried salads? She might like a salad if it has a dressing she likes.Try different kinds of fruit, most kids like gs and oranges. A lot of the V-8 fusion drinks will give her the vitamins she needs, and they are sweet tasting. She'll probably grow out of it when she gets older, most people do.

Who beat Call of Duty 5?

What should happen after you reach the stairs and after you destroy all the cannons is a german with a flame thrower runs out of the reich and kill one of the main characters. The way to the stairs that leads to the door way is on the far right.

Is my male teach hitting on me or am i just over-reacting? An what should i do?

WOW way to an easy grade. Just don't let it go to far b/c both of you could end up in a lot of trouble if this got out to the dean of your school! It dosen't take too much for other students to begin talking and from what you described he is DEFINITELY hitting on you! Ask yourself is that what you really want and what could come out of this even if it is completely innocent on your part?

How many people think WWE is getting so retarded!!!??

Regardless, I love RAW. Stephanie McMahon Levesque is actually one of the people in charge of writing the scripts for the show. You gotta love Vinnie Mac, with his crazy overacting self, lol.

A question about chat websites?

is there any site where I can create a chatpage or thing except IRC to chat with my friend but only my one friend, I dont want to chat with many eople or have it public, and my friend isnt alwoed on IM's? any help would be apreciated

I need computer help?

i want to install an iphone app developer for free, or a web app developer. i cant download it because it says the file cannot be found after i install it. i have windows vista. also it ways that is is a dmg file. if anyone has a link for help or to install it for windows vista please put it in an answer

My guinea pig has some white goop in the middle of his right eye?

I did not see the pictures but my guess would be either an eye infection that requires medical attention or he got something (dirt, litter) in his eye and his body is trying to get rid of it. I would try flushing his eye with saline once, and see if it looks any better the next day. If not he will probably need an antibiotic for his eye.

Is it possible to incubate chickens and ducks together?

This nice man gave me some chicken eggs and duck eggs to incubate.He told me that it wouldnt hurt anything but im just making sure.I am young and find this interesting to try this.I hope i can hatch 13 eggs

Girls what is the most uncomfortable thing you have worn?

very cute! try a corsette under a prom dress kind of like your skirt but longer, could barely walk, on top of that with 4 inch heels as well! but hey, beauty=pain right? ♥

Name the most reasons why you hate john cena?

you cant put his title reighn thats vinch fault cant put trys to act black because he dosent in rea llife

Son is struggling badly with loss?

Earlier in the year, we lost our 3 year old son to cancer. It hit us all hard as a family. I was pregnant when Callum died and have since had the baby, we are all trying to get on with our lives. I am most worried about my oldest son, he's 11 and just started secondary school, he's always been quite a bright boy, but he just doesn't seem to care anymore, it takes persuasion for him to do his homework and even at that he just scribbles down answers quickly, he doesn't try. He's seeing a councillor and she tells us the only time he's truely happy is when he's playing football, this worries me because of course as parents we all want our kids to do well. I am at a loss of what to do, the school are aware of our situation and are giving him all the extra support they can, but he just doesn't seem to be getting any happier. I would greatly appreciate opinions from youths who may have experienced similar situations, or just have any ideas, thanks so much

What are your 2 favorite weapons on devil may cry 4?

Mine are Pandora (Which is really like 5 weapons in one) and Lucifer. Just because 1. Pandora is awesome and can take can of a lot of enemies and 2. Lucifer is cool because when you detonate all the swords in and enemy it does mive damage.

What do you use to download music?

i dont use itunes that shyt is a ripoff.If i want 200 songs i have to pay 200 dollars?Lol fck outta here

Can Norma Jean get any worse?

I wanna go see them in October, cuz I think their music might get even worse after this "anti mother". How many of you are crying your off, because of the anti mother? I'm sobbing quietly in my

What will happen to the "Chicken Little" party after the country gets through the Bush quagmire?

You know which party I'm talking about; the one with everyone claiming "The sky is falling!" Aren't they gonna look silly when things turn around?

Where is the magneto on my briggs and stratton 4 hp lawn mower and how do i gap it?

ive ruled out every other ignition problem. if i spray starting fluid into the carb it will turn over, but the initial spark isn't hot enough to start it. its runs well when its started with starting fluid.

Who's Byron Katie anyway?

I've been answering a lot of questions in the Mental Health section, and I've noticed that there are one or two who recommend Byron Katie as an answer to every question. It's getting a little annoying to me, and I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't a spambot "talking," or at least someone who works for Byron Katie and gets kickbacks. Anyway, what's the deal here?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying to find the name of egyptian show ?

salam walikom ,, i have a question.when i was in egypt this past summer in cairo,, i would watch this show every night ,, it came on very late, i want to think it was on mbc but not sure, anyway i remember a cartoon mouse at the begining walking to cute music and the show was about practial jokes, this egyptian man and this woman who was crazyyyyyyy dressed, sometimes like too much make up like a clown,, would pull practical jokes on people ehehhehe if anyone knows the name of the show and if there is anyway to find these episodes online, since im in usa now and cant get egypt tv p[lease let me know,, i loved it so much,, salam walikom aishah

Which Webkinz?

Get one webkinz.. Get him the clydesdale. It is pet of the month next month. Or get him a rottweiler very very boyish. They are already on the list as sold out and in august are retiring

Do you read? do you like reading?

i like crime books like john grisham, james patterson, anna rule, sidney sheldon. ya know blood and guts and chicken head sluts. also i like anna rice, also i like Japaneses comic books to. also i like michael crichton. what writers do you like what is it romance, science fiction so on

My baby names. which of them do you like the best?

I love Justin Daniel and Layla Jane. I'm not sure if you know this, but there is a very popular children's book about a bat called Stellaluna.

An interesting common thread: The Golden Rule... Thoughts?

Groan...I wish people would stop generalizing to show how we're one big happy religious family. "Do onto others as you would have do unto you" doesn't come anywhere close to "and it harm none, do what you will." One is permissive, alllowing you to do harmless actions. Many also take it as an injunction against harmful actions. That is NOT the same as acting how you would like others to treat you. The result /tends/ to be the same, but that doesn't mean their meaning is the same. An extreme example: a masochist. if he treated others as he wants to be treated, he would frequently cause pain and, thus, harm.

Any opinions about the Danica Patrick and Duno incident?

I think I found it hilarious that these 2 ladies of the open wheel racing came to this point. A lot of drama!!! And who is this Duno chick anyway? I predict this Danica Patrick wanna be will have ended her career with this incident. She should know where her place is. I mean, that's what I think....

Does smoking marijuana have negative effects on your health?

I just got into an argument with a habitual pot smoker. His claim is that smoking pot helps him in life, and the media portrays it as bad is propaganda. I cited my experience with pot heads, and they were some of the moodiest, bitter, lazy, all talk no action freeloaders I have ever met. Of course people who smoke are going to justify the use, but what are the true, prolonged effects? Sure it might be natural, but so is tobacco.

My rabbit is shedding weirdly!?

okay my rabbit is shedding but its weird and not how he normal sheds. he has these patches or tufts of his fur that you can just pull right off. it doesn't irritate him unless in one of his mores sensitive spots. i just want to know if it's normal that he's shedding like this.

Should i size should i go for my fake ?

I know that I want to get fake s. Its not so much that the I dont like the size of mine now its just that they are a bit lopsided and i figure that if i am going to fix them I might as well add a bit up top right? But anyways I am at a small D right now but am trying to decide it I want to go all the way to F or to DD. I am about 5-9 160 so i want them to look big but not disproportionate.

My fingertip hurts while playing violin?

The exact same thing happened to me today.! I play the Viola, and now my finger hurts just like yours, and its the same finger and everything. I think I have had this feeling before and I think it will Just go away hopefully. But since I don't know exactly whats wrong, I'm Sort of worried so if it doesn't heal ima go to a doctor.

Is Cakewalk Music Creator 5 good for making pop, r&b, and hip-hop music?

I want to record my own music and the genres I want to get into are pop, r&b, and hip-hop. Is Cakewalk Music Creator 5 good for making pop, r&b, and hip-hop music? If not, what software can that is under $50.

What kind of PERSON ARE YOU?????????/?

confrontational...was repressed for a long time, walked over and now I'm overly confrontational bc I don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm a soft serve!


this may sound silly...but I am wondering if I'm the only one out there that likes the smell of gas?

I need to make a bone for hst cl and its due tomorrow. We can't make a femur...HELP ME!!?

make one out of sticks then paper mache it with newspaper and liquid starch or flower and water. Blow dry it then paint it white.

What do you make of this match up?

pretty good match up. good highflyers and mat wrestlers 8/10 but the win goes to gail kim and yoshi tatsu because they have more experiance. gail kim is overall a better wrestler then mickie james and yoshi is better then evan bourne.

Can part of Va Funding fee be rolled into va loan?

We got the seller to pay for pretty much all of the closing costs but our good faith estimate states we will have to come up with money since seller is only payin 6396 of closin costs and our estimate says 7400 so that parital part of the Va funding fee that isnt covered can that be rolled into our Va loan?

Berry chai infusion tea from starbucks make your teeth yellow?

i drink it every day.. i recently found out all the caffeine it has.. i wanna know if it can make my teeth yellow.. im really concerned

Top 3 qualities of a good sci-fi fantasy novel?

I'm doing some footwork for a fantasy novel (think Dragonlance, LotR, etc.) As a reader, what are 3 things that make a novel a piece that you simply can't put down? Additionally, name 1 thing that makes it unreadable.

Mean sleeping prank! REVENGE!?

Okay.. so my friend is a super-heavy sleeper. ( like so heavy we have slapped him multiple times and he hasnt woken up) so we need a good mean prank for him. he is sleeping now, and right before he fell asleep he said we can do ANYTHING we want to him as long as it doesnt cause him any pain. hahahahhah. so it can be really mean, and dirty, but not physical pain! (We have half hour laxatives, idk if i should use them thoo.)... PS! He totally has this coming, the prank that he did to me was he saran wrapped me up, (mummified) and the cut a hole in the back, all of his friends and him pooped in in my underwear, then he saran wrapped me morethen they all pissed underneath the saran wrap :'( they left me there for the whole night then.


American Bull Dog. I have three children under 6 he is great with them, and he was easy to train. And he doesn't shed that much.

Which Striker For My Fifa 11 Ultimate Team (Xbox 360)?

erm well i don't play UT or have i played it before but it depends what kind of football u play, but i'll go for tevez, since his the best striker in real life and also on fifa 11, his quite good, adebayor is really frustrating

What is wrong with my computer?

I play on my computer a lot, but recently the screen has been doing funny things. Sometimes it looks like I have tiny white flecks randomly appearing on my screen, almost like static. Other times the screen goes black for a few seconds and comes back a few seconds later. I just got a brand new GTX-285 Video Card. Please help.

I need to beat the elite four and I need to know a couple of things?

You are pretty good. All you need to rise the other pokemon about level 48 through 50 ish. I used a lot of health items also after battles to make sure the next elite four member not knock me out. They ar pychic, dark, fighting, and ghost type members. I bet you have white then. The final battle has level 54 for the highest and it is hydreigon, the most ugly looking pokemon out there. It is a dark dragon type. Evolve the sandile into a krookodile. I use it in the elite four. If you still have the rage candy bar, feed it to one of the statues in the dessert to catch a strong fire type pokemon called darmanitan. It has the ability zen mode to increase sp defensive, defense, sp attack, and lowers attack plus speed. It is in that mode when it is half health. Try to get a scolipede that has the moves venoshock, baton p, iron defense, and steam roller. It is quite destructive if it has the item rocky helmet and the ability poison point. Venoshock causes twice the damage if the enemy is poisoned.

Thinking of moving to japan?

In Two years time, me and my girlfriend will have been together for 4 years which s a long time, i am think of doing a japanese course for a year and 2 months. the problem with this is the the course will require me to live in japan for a year this is the the course will require me to live in japan for a year. understand i will have to talk to her about it before i decide. we are in a serious relationship. i understand that she will be upset because of this. she already knows relationship. i understand that she will be upset because of this. she already knows that i will be studying japanese at my local college. in two years i will have completed a entry level course in japanese. i am thinking in of telling her at 2013 christmas, 7 months before the course starts. I can't take her with me either. i would still be in contact with her though msn and phone. i also know this kind of ong distance relationship will be hard to keep long distance relationship will be hard to keep will she break up with me if i go? the reason im dwelling it now is so that i can prepare for whatever answer she will give me and why i want to go there is because it is something that i believe i must do. i know she wouldn't cheat on me and she knows that i wouldn't on her. i don't really like keeping things from her, but this i have to, for a while must do. i know she wouldn't cheat on me and she knows that must do. i know she wouldn't cheat on me and she knows that wouldn't on her. i don't really like keeping things from her, but this i have to, for a while

Monday, August 8, 2011

Have there been any good movies made about the Titanic? And if yes, what are they?

Not long ago I learned of a mive ship called the Titanic tragically hitting an iceberg and was wondering if there have been any good movies made about it in recent years.

Which music style suits most for an "Art-Deco" styled Cafe?

That's tough because deco is a style of art, not necessarily something that is tied to music. I would think something from that era, maybe something early 20th century. Not quite jazz, not quite swing. I really can't think of anything that really says deco to me musically. 20's big band mixed with some early jazz. To be honest big band and some Sinatra style music would probably work. Throw in some old style blues like Johnson and some early jazz and you'd be set. You just need to set the atmosphere, not necessarily recreate the deco times.

Do you think that Professor Layton and the Unwound Future should be a movie?

The Layton series has one movie, the eternal diva, but I feel this game deserves a chance on screen! The scene where Claire returns to her time, I cry every time! As an actress this would be an amazing movie, it has depth, plot twists, mystery, love, action, and heartbreaking tragedy. What's your opinion?

What cheese brands don't use rennet?

I know the #1 dairy brand in the world Kraft uses rennet, but what other brands don't use it. I'm an lacto-ovo vegetarian and i didn't know what rennet was, until i saw it on the animal ingredients list on PETA. I read about what it was and found that it wasn't vegetarian. But was just wondering about rennet-free cheese.

Have the New Orleans Hornets been a disappointment to you?

Somewhat disappointing, but remember they have been haunted by the injury bug. I think that they are a lot better than their seeding is like Utah. Because understand that even after teams get healthy they still need time to develop chemistry after not playing together for a while.

U.K. TV W/Mrs Bucket, brother in law Oslo, initials FH on cap what does it stand for?

PBS, TV U.K. program with a Mrs Bucket, a sister names Daisy & Rose, father wild man, and husband henpecked. She wanted to be very important and upper cl. Her brother in law Oslo wore a cap with the initials FH, does anyone know what the initials means.

Love in pyro maniac, poem?

Wow, a candle lit dinner you never did this before, look around baby theres a bunch more, i wanted it to be special and apologize for, all the lies ive ever believed you told me , its about 1,2,3 maybe 24, candles with a touch of fire for you to die for, you like vodka u alcoholic take a sip, no thanks, oh ill just pour it on u, yea u can scream your music now, i always knew u were a good singer,wow i never heard a snake hiss so loud, why you doin this, I got 2 cigarettes u want to smoke, sorry baby that was only a joke, ill send a letter to your folks, fire fire, stop running, stop drop and roll, I love the way you dance with fire all on your toes, I love u baby but i got to go,yes im leaving Im all wired, and by the way baby tonight your on fire.

Do and don't of pregnancy questions?

Get a different doctor. What do you mean..they were about to close? You have the right to ask all your questions and he or she has a duty to answer them. Call the doctors office and tell THEM you have questions and felt rushed last night and you would like someone in the office to return your call within 24 hours. If you don't get a call...CHANGE DOCTORS. They did not even tell you when to come back????

What's Jesse James doing? Trying to top Tiger or something?

Wow, he's got all these skin head looking chicks with all those dirty looking tats coming out of the woodwork saying that he screwed them. I like Sandra, I can only imagine what she's going through right now. She thought he was a good faithful husband, but it looks like he's just another pig. And looks like a racist pig from the pictures they have of him with the nazi stuff on. Skanks squeal. When will these guys ever learn that? Don't know for sure all if it's all true, but it ain't looking good for him right now. He's supposedly in "therapy" now too. For ' addiction' lol? Please, people are wearing that "sickness" out. Pffft.

What are your thoughts about the Asian delicacy shark fin soup?

I am chinese and my parents and my family have stopped eating Shark Fin Soup but it's a rare delicacy that are eaten at weddings or birthdays or any special occasion.

Why do I feel like I am being lead on?

My partner basically stops answering my calls before we have plans, I tell him I am calling at a certain time and about 60 percent of the time he doesn't answer. I get tempramatic when he doesn't show he is there. He doesn't understand this that I need him to answer when I call him. I think he cares he will lose me, but doesn't realise it until I pretend like I am moving on, and it will make him very angry and revengeful, I just don't wanna deal with it even if I can. I want to communicate effectively that he's losing me by showing ignorance and carelessness.

My friend is in a deadend relationship how do I convince her its going nowhere?

My friend is dating a guy from Australia. She is to put in bluntly loud and southern. He is 32 and she 19. Its like watching Wanda Sykes and Hugh Jackman trying to have a relationship she is loud and he is really quite.I think the only thing they have in common is they like . She needs more than that, how do I convince her this guy she has met and invited into her home is not going to work out? I seriously wonder what is wrong with girl she is Hawt and needs a hustler, not this fool.

I know the answer - do you?

A Cannon was shot off a wall outside a building. It was too heavy for the troops to pick up and put back on another section of wall.

Why doesn't my bull dog listen?

I have a 5 month bull dog that I'm babysitting and he's extremely stubborn. He's likeable but I can't get him to stay off the furniture. I have him in his cage right now. I don't want to hit him, but every time I pull him off the furniture he gets right back on it almost in defiance. Help! And he has adding jumping up on my bed. I really want him to stay off the furniture. Otherwise, he's a great dog. I told his owner that I'm going to train him to stay off the couch. How do I do that?

RAMADAN: Is obedience of Rasoolallah (saww) ISLAM?

Islam is all about Mo. Without him, it never would have existed. Notice when Muslims say "the prophet" they all know it's Muhammad who is being talked about. That is because they don't worship or follow any prophet of God, just Mo.

Married guys question?

Well I thought she was honest, caring, and true. As it turns out, I was completely wrong. I guess I didn't know after all.

Should i become rasta?

i am a 12 year old caucasian male atheist who holds a deep knoledge of politics, guns, violence,rap music, and ganja. i smoke weed regularly an quite recently i have become interested in rasta. not just because of weed but because of spirituality as well. i can be very violent sometimes though and i like rap music a whole lot but i notice that when i get high, its not just all rainbows,its like i am becoming aware of everying. shoulld i become rasta?

Who is a bigger scam artist, Joel Osteen or T. Boone Pickens?

yes, they are using entirely different methods to get money, but they are both scamming people right now, so which is the bigger con artist?

Directions to the Pinwheel Galaxy?

Try floating around in low space orbit. Eventually you will be clified as junk or a spent booster by USAF Space Command radar tracking. If you are really lucky, you might drift past the International Space Station. You might find some repair parts there that you could integrate into your ship. Be sure to peek into a view port for a portrait shot.

Pregnancy hormones~? When will they calm down?

I cry and get ticked over any little thing. Im driving my boyfriend koo-koo bananas! What do i do? Im tired of feeling this depressed,crappy,clingy feeling. My boyfriend works nights we dont live together just yet and all i wanna do is be with him. Im very anxious about my pregnancy wht things can i do to make time go by faster? Also what can i do to avoid pregnancy hormones!

Words on a kitenge from Kenya?

I bought a kitenge today and the words on it were Napendeka Kwa Tabia Yangu... I dont know what that means and i can not find a translator online and I am not certain it is in Swahili. so if anyone could help me or give me an idea of what it might mean, that would be GREAT!! thanks so much~

Distance Learning MBA for exp professionals- which one AMity or Bharthihar?

One of the benefits of distance learning is that you are not limited to local schools. Consult the Official MBA Guide. It's a comprehensive free public service with more than 2,000 MBA programs listed worldwide. It allows you to search for programs by location (US, Europe, Far East, etc.), by concentration (finance, marketing, aviation management, health management, accounting, etc.), by type of program (full-time, distance learning, part-time, etc), and by listing your own criteria and preferences to get a list of universities that satisfy your needs. Schools report their accreditation status, tuition cost, number of students, cl sizes, program length, and a lot of other data. Schools provide data on entrance requirements, program costs, program characteristics, and much more. You can use the Guide to contact schools of your choice, examine their data, visit their web site, and send them pre applications. You can see lists of top 40 schools ranked by starting salaries of graduates, GMAT scores, and other criteria. It's the best service available at a href="" rel="nofollow"

When you forget what happens in a book, do you start over?

No...I dont start over...i just go on Yahoo Answers and ask someone to summarize the story up to the part I am at.

Would you break things off or continue to battle through?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and we are both 21.We live together, I attend nursing school and he is unemployed and sits at home all day playing video games and if I am lucky he will clean up the house. Recently he has been acting different like a small void between us has formed and is growing each day which he blames on me. Yesterday while we were cleaning house we got into an argument over some stupid empty alcohol bottles he wanted to keep he got upset and I got upset, but they were useless bottles. He blew off in a raging fit and grabbed the bag of bottles and left to his mother and father's house in a hissy fit and a simple, unmeaningful "I love you." I feel like I am ready to start life and a career as a nurse and he is stuck in adolescence waiting for his mother to pull her tit from his mouth. I have invested so much into this relationship and he is a good boy....just not yet a man that I need to help support me. So should I go ahead and break things off clean cut or try to make this thing work with the boy I think I am still in love with?

How to stop my this stupid girl from flirting with my boyfriend.?

There is this girl at my boyfriends job who kep flirting with him. I have tried telling him how i feel and toda when i went there he was sitting at the same table as her and then when i called him he answered the phone laughing. It really hurts my feelings and i want it to stop.

Really painful.. please help me.?

I really think you need to go to a hospital ER or clinic and have that checked out. You could very possibly have a fractured jaw bone. Why so much fighting??? Get that checked out soon, ok?

When is the UH-60 helicopter gonna be up for sales? 10 point straight?

WHEN MAN WHEN! I am looking but that beauty ain't even on lock down you feel me homeboy, when is that bid gonna be up for sale? I want me some black hawk down, don't worry man, I can afford that.

What would you like to ask?doe sent?

we just bought 1976 el camino with a350 it leeks oil back light and ,speedomater dont work needs new upolstury and pait job where do we start. what is my main concern it runs tight .fires right up